Our dedicated teams have expertise dealing with construction professional indemnity claims. Our specialist lawyers advise on high-value, complex, technically-challenging, multi-party claims involving the full range of construction professionals including architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, project managers, design and build contractors and specialist sub-contractors.
As well as handling high value and complicated construction matters, our teams have the versatility to deal with lower value (although often equally complex) construction claims where a proactive, decisive and cost-effective strategy is essential. However, regardless of the value, our experience shows that prompt analysis and determination of strategy can provide insurers with an early resolution so as to limit costs escalation.
Our specialism in claims of a professional indemnity nature means that we are both insurance and construction lawyers. We are able to advise on coverage, regulatory risk and manage the relations between insurers, brokers and insureds throughout the life of a claim.
Featured experience
- Acting for a D&C Contractor and its insurers in respect of a £100m claim arising from the allegedly defective design and construction of a very large car park at a major out of town shopping centre.
- Defending a multi-million pound multi-party claim in the TCC in London against a firm of architects arising from allegations of negligent design, design co-ordination and inspection at a newly built specialist A&E hospital in the north of England
- Acting for a firm of structural engineers and its professional indemnity insurers on a multi-million pound TCC claim involving the design and construction of a cantilevered steel beam roof at a high end residential development in London.
- Successfully defending adjudication proceedings brought against a firm of Quantity Surveyors arising from an alleged failure to serve a valid Payless Notice in time.
Accountants' Liability
Our first-class team advises accountants, auditors, actuaries, tax specialists, insolvency practitioners and their insurers on professional liability claims, regulatory investigations and disciplinary issues.
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Construction Professional Indemnity
Our market leading team has significant specialist expertise in handling construction professional indemnity claims both nationally and internationally.
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We have significant expertise in defending claims against schools, colleges, academies and universities.
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Financial Advisers
Our experienced team has significant expertise in advising financial advisers and their insurers on claims made against them.
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Insurance Brokers
Our market leading team has significant expertise in defending insurance brokers and their insurers.
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Lawyers' Liability
Our large legal professional liability team has the flexibility and expertise to handle cases from highly complex matters to volume claims.
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Surveyors & Valuers
Our market leading national team has significant expertise advising and defending property professionals and their insurers.
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Technology Professionals
Our experts advise technology professionals and their insurers on the full range of professional liability claims with strategic solutions. We also advise insurers on policy wording and coverage.
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Outstanding in the prof neg world, consistently praised by clients, excellent work product but without any fuss.
Legal 500, Professional Negligence – London, 2023
I was impressed by the team's ability to quickly pick up details and secure the client's position quickly and efficiently.
Chamber 2023, Professional Negligence: Technology & Construction client
The firm is pragmatic and commercial and does not take on silly points. I rate the firm highly.
Chambers 2023, Professional Negligence: Mainly Defendant client
The firm is one of the most well-established teams in the area. Its reputation is well founded.
Chambers 2023, Professional Negligence: Mainly Defendant client
Quiénes somos
¿Por qué elegir DAC Beachcroft?
Somos un bufete comercial de amplia base que presta servicios a una gran variedad de sectores, con una sólida herencia en seguros,
salud e inmobiliario. Combinamos excelentes conocimientos jurídicos y experiencia de vanguardia para diseñar soluciones en
que se adapten a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, a menudo con un uso inteligente de la tecnología.
DAC Beachcroft es reconocido como un asesor preeminente en el mercado de seguros, y ponemos un fuerte énfasis en las relaciones a largo plazo que construimos con usted para que realmente podamos agregar valor a su negocio.
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Sanidad y asistencia social
DAC Beachcroft está considerado líder del mercado en la prestación de asesoramiento jurídico corporativo, comercial y normativo a proveedores de servicios sanitarios.
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Con 170 abogados, somos uno de los mayores equipos jurídicos inmobiliarios del Reino Unido. Nuestra amplia red nos proporciona conocimientos y acceso a nivel nacional, regional y local.
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Servicios financieros
Asesoramos regularmente a diseñadores y fabricantes de productos, organismos comerciales y minoristas, distribuidores e inversores de capital riesgo que desean invertir en el sector de los servicios financieros.
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Como asesores de confianza desde hace muchos años en el sector tecnológico, ofrecemos soluciones pragmáticas e innovadoras que le permiten tomar decisiones informadas sobre la mejor manera de maximizar su éxito.
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Especialidades industriales
Combinamos nuestro profundo conocimiento del sector con una astuta conciencia comercial y un alcance mundial.
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