Working as part of one of the largest real estate teams in the country, our portfolio management specialists focus on fixed fee instructions, volume matter management and the less complex elements of larger transactions. We support all areas of the real estate practice.
Our track-record for success speaks for itself. We have experience of handling anything from 50 to 2,000 matters at any one time for individual clients, saved an average of 100 days of deal time for one client and significantly reduced costs in this and many other instances.
We stand out, however, for the way in which we underpin our deep expertise and experience in portfolio management with a firm-wide commitment to innovation and customised solutions. We deploy technology to underpin our work, to handle large volumes of transactions and to provide a real time, transparent view of work status, 24x7.
You can trust us to deliver high quality solutions in swift, sophisticated, customised and creative ways, helping you to achieve commercial success across your real estate portfolios.
Featured experience
- We prepared and served 400 bespoke letters before action to recover rent and other arrears for a large landlord, within a six week period and subsequently issued over 45 debt recovery claims in the High Court.
- For a substantial landlord we have managed 120 plus urgent lease re-gears, side letter, new lettings and other routine transaction documents, working to a 2 day turnaround timetable.
- For a public sector client we provide volume and project driven title reporting across a broad and varied portfolio.
- For a telecommunications client we manage hundreds of renewals and new site acquisitions.
- For a large shopping centre client we manage the majority of centre letting instructions.
Asset Management
We provide a dedicated asset management service to clients including the owners of the largest retail destinations in the country and major office development.
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Construction and Engineering
We provide a dedicated construction and engineering service to the private and public sectors.
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Investment & Development
We provide a dedicated investment and development service to clients including commercial developers and owner occupiers, funds and financial institutions and the public sector.
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Planning & Environment
We provide specialist planning and environmental services across the complete range of contentious and non-contentious planning advice.
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Portfolio Management
We provide specialist portfolio management services and expertise that focuses on fixed fee instructions, volume and project matter management and routine property transactions.
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Property Litigation
We provide specialist real estate litigation services that protect the value of your property assets and reputation.
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Residential Development and Plots
We provide specialist residential development expertise through the full cycle of a residential development, on large estates, garden villages, BTR, student accommodation and retirement living.
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DAC Beachcroft provide a reassuringly competent and efficient service, which is consistent across all team members. Their multi-disciplinary experience is easy to access and their partners and associates are an excellent blend of professional, experienced and approachable.
Legal 500 UK 2023, Real Estate
Quiénes somos
¿Por qué elegir DAC Beachcroft?
Somos un bufete comercial de amplia base que presta servicios a una gran variedad de sectores, con una sólida herencia en seguros,
salud e inmobiliario. Combinamos excelentes conocimientos jurídicos y experiencia de vanguardia para diseñar soluciones en
que se adapten a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, a menudo con un uso inteligente de la tecnología.
DAC Beachcroft es reconocido como un asesor preeminente en el mercado de seguros, y ponemos un fuerte énfasis en las relaciones a largo plazo que construimos con usted para que realmente podamos agregar valor a su negocio.
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Sanidad y asistencia social
DAC Beachcroft está considerado líder del mercado en la prestación de asesoramiento jurídico corporativo, comercial y normativo a proveedores de servicios sanitarios.
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Con 170 abogados, somos uno de los mayores equipos jurídicos inmobiliarios del Reino Unido. Nuestra amplia red nos proporciona conocimientos y acceso a nivel nacional, regional y local.
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Servicios financieros
Asesoramos regularmente a diseñadores y fabricantes de productos, organismos comerciales y minoristas, distribuidores e inversores de capital riesgo que desean invertir en el sector de los servicios financieros.
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Como asesores de confianza desde hace muchos años en el sector tecnológico, ofrecemos soluciones pragmáticas e innovadoras que le permiten tomar decisiones informadas sobre la mejor manera de maximizar su éxito.
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Especialidades industriales
Combinamos nuestro profundo conocimiento del sector con una astuta conciencia comercial y un alcance mundial.
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