Trabaja con nosotros

Somos un bufete internacional líder con oficinas en Europa, Asia-Pacífico y Latinoamérica; en el Reino Unido, estamos entre los 25 primeros. Tenemos una orgullosa historia que se remonta a más de 255 años, una visión de futuro y un espíritu que celebra a la persona en su totalidad. Prepárate para un trabajo inspirador. Una cultura abierta y acogedora, con la flexibilidad necesaria para combinar vida y trabajo. En pocas palabras, ayudamos a nuestros colegas a dar lo mejor de sí mismos cuando están aquí, y reconocemos que tienen todo tipo de intereses y compromisos diferentes cuando no están.

Trabaja con nosotros

Una organización integradora

Nos comprometemos a atraer, retener y desarrollar a personas de orígenes diversos, con distintas experiencias vitales y perspectivas, porque la diversidad de pensamiento es fundamental para nuestro éxito. Nos comprometemos a acoger y animar a todos los compañeros, para que todos tengan las mismas oportunidades de participar, marcar la diferencia y progresar. Nos esforzamos por comprender y erradicar cualquier barrera involuntaria colaborando con nuestras redes de colegas: Access (BAME), Spectrum (LGBT+), Parents & Carers, Working Dads y Women +. Varias de nuestras iniciativas están dirigidas a atraer y apoyar a grupos infrarrepresentados, como nuestro trabajo con Aspiring Solicitors, la Black Solicitors Network, el programa Disability Confident, Working Families y nuestro programa Career Returners.

Trainees at DACB

  • Client expectations are changing with a shift towards a more empathetic approach in law. Therefore, a variety of skills are needed to be a modern lawyer which I'm learning on my career path; Openness Regular and open communication with clients, Optimism Taking proactive steps to be keep positive and Originality to form deeper, human connections with clients and colleagues to make your approach original.

    Lia Gaffney, Trainee Solicitor

  • Every lawyer will need interpersonal skills which can be drawn from previous experiences but if you see yourself starting your career as a lawyer at DACB, don't be afraid to socialise with the firm. It'll show you different sides of the business and help you understand what soft skills the firm fosters and encourages in its people.

    Sharfaa Shiraaz, Trainee Solicitor

  • During my training contract with DACB I have found myself becoming more confident with my future career as a lawyer everyday. I have built up a standing in the profession with this company via my networking skills. I have had the opportunity to discuss my cases with both newly qualified and senior lawyers, enhancing my negotiation and strategic skills.

    Sophia Lismore, Solicitor

  • At DACB, there is a strong emphasis on being commercially minded. It is equally as important and valuable therefore for a future lawyer to have worked outside of law in order to learn such skills and also to have a better understanding of the pressures and demands of our clients' businesses who are based in such industries.

    Zobia Yasin, Trainee Solicitor

La vida en DAC Beachcroft

Trabajo que te pone a prueba. Colegas que te hacen reír.