- DAC Beachcroft
- Trabaja con nosotros
- What's in it for you

Trabaja con nosotros
Somos un bufete internacional líder con oficinas en Europa, Asia-Pacífico y Latinoamérica; en el Reino Unido, estamos entre los 25 primeros. Tenemos una orgullosa historia que se remonta a más de 255 años, una visión de futuro y un espíritu que celebra a la persona en su totalidad. Prepárate para un trabajo inspirador. Una cultura abierta y acogedora, con la flexibilidad necesaria para combinar vida y trabajo. En pocas palabras, ayudamos a nuestros colegas a dar lo mejor de sí mismos cuando están aquí, y reconocemos que tienen todo tipo de intereses y compromisos diferentes cuando no están.

Trabaja con nosotros
Una organización integradora
Nos comprometemos a atraer, retener y desarrollar a personas de orígenes diversos, con distintas experiencias vitales y perspectivas, porque la diversidad de pensamiento es fundamental para nuestro éxito. Nos comprometemos a acoger y animar a todos los compañeros, para que todos tengan las mismas oportunidades de participar, marcar la diferencia y progresar. Nos esforzamos por comprender y erradicar cualquier barrera involuntaria colaborando con nuestras redes de colegas: Access (BAME), Spectrum (LGBT+), Parents & Carers, Working Dads y Women +. Varias de nuestras iniciativas están dirigidas a atraer y apoyar a grupos infrarrepresentados, como nuestro trabajo con Aspiring Solicitors, la Black Solicitors Network, el programa Disability Confident, Working Families y nuestro programa Career Returners.
La vida en DAC Beachcroft
Trabajo que te pone a prueba. Colegas que te hacen reír.
I qualified with DAC Beachcroft LLP in September 2019 having completed my training contract in the Manchester office. During my training, I gained practical experience in a number of different areas of law including Corporate and Commercial, Real Estate and Employment. The opportunity to move around the business helped me to gain a greater understanding of the firm as a whole. In my new role, I continue to be supported to take on a varied and challenging workload and I also have the opportunity to work with a wide range of high profile clients. I particularly like the culture of the firm; people are approachable at all levels and there are many different initiatives to get involved in outside of my day-to-day role which I find incredibly rewarding.”
Zahra Khan, Associate
I didn’t know if I wanted to go to university, but I still wanted to carry on my education and get more qualifications. An apprenticeship seemed the best option as it combined working and learning at the same time. The people I work with are really nice and everyone is really helpful. I feel like I learn so much at work, as well as during my university hours. It is a really good balance. DAC Beachcroft allows me to have one day off a week to do my studying, which is great and it is really easy to keep on top of everything. Also, as I work with lots of people who already have degrees, they are able to advise me if I ever have any questions about anything I have learnt. The culture at DACB is very warm and welcoming. My team were very helpful and patient with me when I first started. Even though I am confident in the type of work I do now, my team are still really supportive and are happy to answer any questions I may have."
Olivia Cunningham, Solicitor Apprentice
I was referred to DACB by the Social Mobility Foundation (“SMF”). I decided to apply for a training contract because of their partnership with the SMF and because of the broad range of sectors DACB specialises in. This was important as I knew I was interested in commercial law but I am, still to this day, unsure of what area of law I will qualify into – I wanted a firm which would allow me to experience many areas during my training. Moreover, I felt like diversity was fast becoming a buzzword rather than a reality in some firms. Throughout the application process it was impressive to see that DACB genuinely had a commitment to social mobility. The culture at the firm is extremely welcoming, supportive and embraces people from all backgrounds. Diversity is key to getting different perspectives and ideas and DACB’s work with organisations such as the SMF and Aspiring Solicitors demonstrates the firm's determination to appeal to and welcome into the business people with a broad range of backgrounds as the firm grows in the UK and internationally.’’
Amanda Fosu, Associate
When an opportunity arose for me to take up a six month secondment working for one of the leading insurance companies in the Lloyd’s market, as part of their international casualty team I was delighted.I had been working in DAC Beachcroft Chile and really valued the chance to work in London for this client. The strong support from the DACB team enabled me to maximise the experience. I now have a better understanding of how things works in the London Market, and especially what clients expect from their legal service provider.From a personal perspective, the secondment experience gave me the necessary tools to reach the next level in my career within the firm, in regards of the know-how of the work that is expected from us both from a legal and business perspective and also provided me with the necessary networking skills, all of which I was able to bring back home to Chile.”
Nicolás Le Blanc, Associate
I returned to legal practice after a five-year break. I had advice from recruiters that this would be difficult, if not impossible so I was thrilled to join DAC Beachcroft through a returners programme. I have received so much support from my team and from the firm as a whole. I have been put in touch with other returners and mentors. Here I am valued on my competencies and abilities, rather than my time away being a barrier to progression. The fact that the firm chose to work with Women Returners on a UK returner programme supporting people to come back into law through supported hires is testament to how committed and supportive the culture truly is.”
Caroline Dean, Senior Associate
When our Commercial Dispute Resolution team received a claim relating to the conduct of an insolvency practitioner, it was anything but straightforward. The claim had multiple strands relating to criminal, investment, regulatory and civil law. Over four years, the various threads involved significant work to set out a clear position that would allow the client to make commercial decisions relating to the claim. The case was very challenging technically, with a highly strategic focus for the client and multiple overlapping legal arguments. The claim was eventually settled; an excellent outcome for the client who said: ‘That claim was the most difficult matter I have ever come across, with a very convoluted and complicated background. The handling of the matter wouldn’t have been possible without DACB’s work and attention to detail.”
Dan Preddy, Partner
I qualified with DAC Beachcroft LLP in September 2019 having completed my training contract in the Manchester office. During my training, I gained practical experience in a number of different areas of law including Corporate and Commercial, Real Estate and Employment. The opportunity to move around the business helped me to gain a greater understanding of the firm as a whole. In my new role, I continue to be supported to take on a varied and challenging workload and I also have the opportunity to work with a wide range of high profile clients. I particularly like the culture of the firm; people are approachable at all levels and there are many different initiatives to get involved in outside of my day-to-day role which I find incredibly rewarding.”
Gill Weatherill, Partner
La vida en DAC Beachcroft