The team has broad experience in transport claims, including transport liability in relation to loss of or damage to cargo at sea or carried by road, rail or air. We have considerable experience of first party cargo claims, including project cargo and related DSU claims, as well as ports and terminal losses.
We are familiar with all of the associated international regimes, including the CMR and the Warsaw/Montreal Conventions.
If fraud is identified in transport claims, our lawyers will work together to combine their expertise to deliver the best litigation strategy and a successful outcome for you.
Featured experience
- We acted for the successful defendants in the Commercial Court decision in Knapfield v. C.A.R.S Holdings Ltd & Ors (2022).
- Acting for international reinsurers in connection with a claim for the destruction of a container terminal on the coast of southern Brazil.
- Represented insurers in relation to a ports and terminals claim in connection with a crane collapse in the port of Aviles.
Across our global network, we have extensive expertise in advising insurers and reinsurers on energy insurance claims.
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Our insurance experts have you covered for the full range of risks written in the marine market.
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Our renewable energy experts understand the challenges facing those operating in this evolving industry and regularly advise on related highly complex insurance claims.
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Our insurance experts have extensive experience in handling goods in transit issues across the UK and globally.
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They take ownership of
cases and manage them in a
seamless way because they
are so experienced and very
good at finding solutions.
Chambers and Partners, 2021
A very good understanding of our
business, and what the levers are to
success in our markets.
Their legal criteria are exception,
clear and to the point. They differ
in going straight to the point,
beyond filling their concepts with
information that is not relevant
when making decisions.
Legal 500, Latin America 2021
Quiénes somos
¿Por qué elegir DAC Beachcroft?
Somos un bufete comercial de amplia base que presta servicios a una gran variedad de sectores, con una sólida herencia en seguros,
salud e inmobiliario. Combinamos excelentes conocimientos jurídicos y experiencia de vanguardia para diseñar soluciones en
que se adapten a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, a menudo con un uso inteligente de la tecnología.
DAC Beachcroft es reconocido como un asesor preeminente en el mercado de seguros, y ponemos un fuerte énfasis en las relaciones a largo plazo que construimos con usted para que realmente podamos agregar valor a su negocio.
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Sanidad y asistencia social
DAC Beachcroft está considerado líder del mercado en la prestación de asesoramiento jurídico corporativo, comercial y normativo a proveedores de servicios sanitarios.
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Con 170 abogados, somos uno de los mayores equipos jurídicos inmobiliarios del Reino Unido. Nuestra amplia red nos proporciona conocimientos y acceso a nivel nacional, regional y local.
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Servicios financieros
Asesoramos regularmente a diseñadores y fabricantes de productos, organismos comerciales y minoristas, distribuidores e inversores de capital riesgo que desean invertir en el sector de los servicios financieros.
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Como asesores de confianza desde hace muchos años en el sector tecnológico, ofrecemos soluciones pragmáticas e innovadoras que le permiten tomar decisiones informadas sobre la mejor manera de maximizar su éxito.
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Especialidades industriales
Combinamos nuestro profundo conocimiento del sector con una astuta conciencia comercial y un alcance mundial.
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