Data, Privacy and Cyber in Health

The importance of data in the health and social care sector cannot be underestimated. Technology and AI present huge opportunities to achieve efficiencies and deliver more personalised care. However, navigating the complex (and often changing) regulatory regime is crucial for organisations to succeed. The financial and reputational impacts of misusing data can be catastrophic, so it is essential to get it right.


We stand out for our skill and genuine expertise in working with organisations across the health and social care sector. Our sector specialists work across the broad expanse of health and social care, whether public or private health providers, government, or MedTech operators.

We understand the critical nature of patient/service user, employee, and public trust and provide expert advice on all areas of information governance, from day to day compliance queries to major regional and international strategic projects. We advise on complex information-sharing frameworks, politically sensitive data breach claims, and enforcement action.

Our expertise extends to advising on health sector-specific issues such as confidentiality, freedom of information and access to health record requests.

Our data protection specialists offer practical and pragmatic advice, distilling complex legal issues into accessible commercial advice that empowers you to maximise your use of data and manage complex risks.

Featured experience

  • Defending the widely report and precedent-setting claim of Scott v LGBT Foundation Ltd [2020] EWHC 483 (QB), in which it was successfully argued that a verbal disclosure does not amount to processing for the purposes of data protection legislation
  • Working closely with a health organisation in relation to a data breach and drafting submissions in response to a proposed ICO fine, successfully achieving a reduction of 92%
  • Advising a publicly listed Australian health data AI business on its UK and European operations, and including global arrangements for transfer and flow of data
  • Advising on a range of national and local projects regarding the lawful commercialisation of NHS data, including collaborations between NHS and private MedTech providers
  • Great team focused on building effective client relations with good turnaround and industry focused expertise.

    Legal 500 UK 2023 Edition, Data Protection, Privacy & Cybersecurity

  • Darryn Hale is recognised as a Next Generation Partners in Legal 500 UK, where he is described as a "great lawyer" and "always a pleasure to work with".

    Legal 500 UK 2023

  • Sophie Devlin is recognised in Chambers UK 2023 Edition for her reputable information law practice, and is described as "an outstanding individual who is able to provide a good breadth of support. She is very calm and provides sound guidance on contentious issues."

    Chambers and Partners UK 2023 Edition

Data, Privacy and Cyber in Health Key contacts

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¿Por qué elegir DAC Beachcroft?

Somos un bufete comercial de amplia base que presta servicios a una gran variedad de sectores, con una sólida herencia en seguros,
salud e inmobiliario. Combinamos excelentes conocimientos jurídicos y experiencia de vanguardia para diseñar soluciones en
que se adapten a las necesidades de nuestros clientes, a menudo con un uso inteligente de la tecnología.