Matthew Anderson



Matthew has experience in a high value and complex subsidence damage claims conducting both claimant and defendant work for large multinational organisations, insurers and local authorities.
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About Matthew

  • BiografĂ­a

    Matthew has experience in a high value and complex subsidence damage claims conducting both claimant and defendant work for large multinational organisations, insurers and local authorities.

    These claims include obtaining injunctions, recovering and defending high value six figure claims through the Technology and Construction Court, the County Court and tree preservation compensation claims through the Upper Lands Tribunal.

    Matthew has experience in a high value and complex Japanese knotweed and subsidence damage claims conducting both claimant and defendant work for large multinational organisations, insurers and local authorities.

Sector Expertise
  • Seguros

Service Expertise
  • Hundimiento


  • Casa Tricornio
  • 51-53 Hagley Road
  • Birmingham, B16 8TP

+44 (0) 121 698 5200
