Ruth Winterbottom



Ruth specialises in handling complex and catastrophic claims for a range of companies, brokers and insurers.

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About Ruth

  • Biographie

    Ruth specialises in handling complex and catastrophic claims for a range of companies, brokers and insurers. Her expertise lies in the early and forensic analysis of evidence and the pragmatic application of claims settlement strategies involving a collaborative approach and consensual approach where this is possible.

    She has over 20 years’ experience in advising clients on practical risk management and claims negotiation in a range of sectors including manufacturing, construction, retail and leisure. Latterly she has developed extensive experience of advising in the health and social care sector. She has specialist knowledge of all complex injury claims types with a particular focus on psychiatric injury claims including chronic pain, somatic symptom disorder, non epileptic attack disorder. She regularly acts in cases of subtle brain injury and the full range of complex Orthopaedic injury claims including amputations. Ruth applies her broad claims experience for the benefit of clients by distilling claims defensibility issues and suggesting enhanced risk management procedures to insurers and policyholders. Her knowledge and exposure over a wide range of claims work allows her to spot trends and capture patterns of behaviour to support clients’ strategic planning.

    Relevant experience includes:

    • Discontinuance of a significant chronic pain claim arising from a road traffic accident where liability was not in dispute. Instructions were received on the cusp of limitation and inconsistencies in the claimant’s presentation were evident. The claim was pleaded at in excess of £250,000. A forensic approach to evidence gathering, both documentary and expert resulted in the claim being discontinued ahead of trial.
    • Handling of a brain injury case following a serious assault on a care worker. Instructions were provided seven months post incident and a swift investigation of the facts and early negotiations with the claimant’s solicitor allowed settlement to take place within a year of instruction for a five figure sum.
    • Handling of a serious assault claim whereby serious upper limb injuries had been sustained. Inconsistencies in respect of the level of anticipated recovery resulted in a close analysis of all available medical records which suggested the claimant had been working where his Schedule of loss pleaded a total inability to return to work. The claim was withdrawn at an early stage following a suggestion that FD would be pursued.

    Ruth regularly talks on a range of issues relating to complex injury, also providing bespoke training to clients on issues of specific concern. Most recently she spoke as part of a cross industry panel at the Laing Buisson webinar on managing the risks arising from Coronavirus in the health and social care sector.

    “A key partner in Leeds, Ruth Winterbottom is singled out for her practical approach to litigation and her experience in serious and catastrophic injury claims. In particular, she is noted for her ability to be "fair and impartial, she can look at the evidence, decide where the contention is, and challenge accordingly." Chambers and Partners UK, Personal Injury, UK Wide.

Sector Expertise
  • Assurance

Service Expertise
  • Responsabilité civile

  • Blessure accidentelle

  • Blessures liées à l'utilisation d'un véhicule

Emplacement de la clé


  • Maison St Pauls
  • 23 Park Square Sud
  • Leeds, LS1 2ND

+44 (0) 113 251 4700

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