Jenna Campbell
Jenna Campbell has experience in personal injury claims including motor, employer and public liability.
About Jenna
Jenna Campbell qualified in 2007 and also joined legacy firm Andersons in the same year. She has experience in personal injury claims including motor, employer and public liability.
She also handled some higher value claims of a complex nature including catastrophic injury and fatal claims. Jenna specialises in insurance fraud including phantom passenger, low speed impact, induced and staged cases.
She was the first solicitor to join the Scottish Claims Validation Team in 2013 and she liaises directly with the CVT and intelligence teams in Birmingham. She advises clients on counter fraud strategies in conjunction with Specialist Fraud Counsel.
Through implementation of these bespoke strategies, Jenna has secured a number of trial wins and repudiations. Her role also involves her providing internal and external fraud training, and attending case clinics and shadowing days for clients.
Responsabilité civile
Fraude automobile
Emplacement de la clé
