Campbell Normand
About Campbell
Campbell specialises in all areas of civil dispute resolution, including commercial, property, public law, personal injury and professional and clinical negligence, and high value family cases.
He has over 30 years’ experience advising clients across a range of sectors. He gained rights of audience in the higher civil courts (Court of Session and the UK Supreme Court) in 2011, enabling him to provide direct advocacy and advisory services.
Relevant experience includes:
- Significant experience in clinical negligence actions in the Court of Session, on behalf of pursuers and defenders, many of which are complex and high value.
- Representing the successful pursuers in the largest, by value, solicitors negligence case in Scotland to date, which settled for a sum in excess of £19m.
- Representing the former First Minister of Scotland in a successful judicial review against the Scottish Ministers, in which the court reduced certain ministerial decisions on the grounds of procedural unfairness and apparent bias.
- Successfully defending, at first instance and on appeal, a religious order against claims of historic sex abuse.
- Acting for the former chairman of Rangers Football Club in his claims against them concerning contractual interpretation.
- Acting for Channel 5 in successfully defending an interdict seeking to prevent broadcast of a TV programme which it was contended that the programme was defamatory and in contravention of the Human Rights Act.
- Acting on behalf of US manufacturers in product liability litigation in the Court of Session regarding mesh implants.
Campbell is a former council member of the WS Society. He is also appointed to sit as a solicitor member of the Personal Injury Committee of the Scottish Civil Justice Council, and was recently invited to join an advisory group on reform of the law of damages for personal injury by the Scottish Law Commission.
Résolution des litiges
Lutte contre la fraude
Responsabilité du fait des produits, sécurité et rappel
Responsabilité professionnelle
Sécurité, santé et environnement
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